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  • Hey, thanks for the 40th time for being so much nicer then everyone else on the other thread! I totally know that my coop is way small, and has been trying to make it work, but maybe its time to face it, it's way to small! :D
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    Reactions: PioneerChicks
    Hey. Don’t let other people’s comments wear you down. If you want to talk about some ways in which you could change things that might could work things out without costing anything much and not causing stress to you or your birds I will be glad to help. You can have my cell # if you want it. Let me know.
    I will start with starting a conversation, so we can discuss some ideas, and then we will go form there! I can get more pictures of the area around the coop too, so you can see how I would have to go about expanding or rebuilding. The biggest issue is gonna be my dad not wanting to just build another coop. Thanks again, Avery
    Waiting on Eggs! Flock members are 15 weeks. Creme Legbars should lay first I believe then the Swedish Flower Hens, then the Black: Lavender Orpingtons will probably be last. Blue, Creme, Brown. Hopefully by October 1,2020 I will have Legbar eggs and by November 1, Orpington eggs. Maybe by my birthday we will have regular egg laying days before then and for my Christmas dinner we can have enough for stuffed eggs!
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