Recent content by tsc11

  1. tsc11

    How many Ducks does everyone have.

    17 muscovie 3 cannadian geese 5 mallarrds
  2. tsc11

    i think my muscovie eggs are hatching how do i know forsure

    please help
  3. tsc11

    i need some ideas on a mandarin duck pen

    please and thank you asap
  4. tsc11

    i live in cannada i was wondering were i could get mandarin ducks

    please help i really want mandarins
  5. tsc11

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    hi guys please send me a meassage if u no were i can get mandarine ducks i live in cannada asap
  6. tsc11

    what do i do

    in the winter should i keep them inside or what
  7. tsc11

    what do i do

    winter is coming soon im not sure what i should do with my 2 mascovies ducks the hen is sitting on 12 eggs right now what should i do with all of them
  8. tsc11

    i live in cannada i was wondering were i could get mandarin ducks

    looking to get some nice ducks for my collection
  9. tsc11

    free range chickens

    okay thansk
  10. tsc11

    my girls are 15 weeks old when do they start laying

    im new to chickens i have lots of ducks and geese
  11. tsc11

    free range chickens

    if i let my chickens free range will the jump back in too the hen house at night cause its hard to catch them will they stay close to the house to or will they wander away
  12. tsc11

    i need some ideas on duck cages pictures please

    need some pictures of duck pe\
  13. tsc11

    my girls are 15 weeks old when do they start laying

    2 wite chickens 1 black and white chicken
  14. tsc11

    my girls are 15 weeks old when do they start laying

    when are my chickens gonna start laying.
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