allen wranch
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  • Hey cutie pie! Our chickens would be bestest of friends!! Perhaps a chicken play date??? I'll bring chicken Cesar salad. -xoxo Arnold Mommy 👺🐔🐓🦃
    Pretty Chicken (@PrettyChicken69) / Twitter
    Do you ever sell Spitzhauben hatching eggs? They are one of my favorite breeds, but it's so hard to find good quality birds.
    allen wranch
    allen wranch
    Sometimes, where are you located?
    • Like
    Reactions: MGG
    I'm in SD.
    allen wranch
    allen wranch
    I have a waiting list right now, but I believe there are some Spitzhauben breeders in your area on the Appenzeller Spitzhaubens Around the World Facebook group. Ask to join, and I will approve your membership. What is your FB name?
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