

Araucana is a very rare breed with much controversy and numerous challenges. Hatcheries add to...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Flighty,Bears confinement well,Quiet
Breed Colors/Varieties
APA recognizes: Black ,White ,BBR, Silver & Golden Duckwing.There are also many none standard colors, we have Lavender araucana in development ourselves.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

Araucana is a very rare breed with much controversy and numerous challenges. Hatcheries add to these challenges by misrepresenting their mongrel Easter Eggers as Araucana and Ameraucana chickens. Araucana and Ameraucana chickens are breeds, which are recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA). Easter Eggers are not a recognized breed because they are a cross of different breeds to produce various plumage colors and eggshell colors. Easter eggers are a novelty for backyard folks who enjoy pretty chickens that lay various colored eggs. Enthusiasts typically breed Araucana and Ameraucana to a standard of perfection to preserve their historical value.

The origin of the Araucana is still up for debate, however many believe they came to America from South America, sometime during the 1920’s or 1930’s. The primary reason for breeding Araucana was because of their ability to lay blue eggs. They are often considered dual-purpose fowl and make good table fare. For a smaller standard size breed, hens typically lay nice medium sized eggs.

The Araucana have two distinguishing characteristics that set them apart from the other breeds. They are rumpless (have no tail and the complete absence of a tail bone) and they have tufts (often called “earrings”), which grow from a protuberance (or fingerlike appendage)called a peduncle around the ear lobes or neck area. Tufts can be bilateral, unilateral and even trilateral.

The tufted trait is a lethal gene on Araucana, which makes it difficult to breed. Two copies of the tuft gene are fatal and results in chicks dead in the shell, typically around days 18-21 in incubation. Even a single copy has been known to reduce hatchability, making this breed very difficult to propagate.

The rumpless trait has produced challenges for breeders as well. This includes backs that get very short, from excessive rumpless to rumpless breeding, which results in future generations being unable to breed naturally. Rumplessness does not occur consistently in breeding Araucana, which results in chicks hatching with partial tails and even full tails. This can make for a lot of culling and very few selections to choose from for the show ring.

Araucana eggs

Araucana chick

Araucana hens

Araucana rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-araucana.1126008/

Latest reviews

Pros: I know that my birds are now only part Araucana. They still lay blue/green eggs.
Pros: Good genreal info
Cons: Didn't mention that the tails are the standard in Australia and both are accepted in the u.k
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Reactions: Mudda Clucka
Pros: Lays unique blue/green eggs.
Cons: Doesn't lay as many eggs as other breeds.
Every year we get at least a few Araucanas. The eggs are lovely and every Araucana is unique and differently-colored. They don't lay as many eggs as other breeds such as Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns, and Plymouth Rock. However they make up for it with the unique coloring of their eggs.
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You got unlucky.She was passed down a bad gene.Our manx cat had lots of baby manxes & one or two would end up with the gene.Its called manx syndrome its where they are born with their spine just a little to short and it leads to them unable to feel most of their rear and sometimes they have paralysis.Either way no matter what they end up finally dying.Our manx is spayed now so we wont have that happen anymore so sad.
Aloha, Araucanas are a tough breed sometimes. I too have one like the one you described, but my others are very hardy and interesting. You just had bad luck. Aloha, Puhi
I love my girl, she just started laying and her eggs are the most beautiful blue color. I can't wait to get a few more.
I only own one and she is so beautiful and intelligent. My hatch died due to a black out. She was the only one that made it. I can hold her and she even perches on me while I do chores. She is by far my favorite and she is my pet. I will be crushed if anything ever happened to her. She is extremely intelligent and lays the prettiest little blue eggs.

I love when she comes up to my window for treats and eats out of my hand. I cannot say enough good things about my Araucana hen.
Are you still shipping eggs of true auracanas? If so, what cost and how well do the eggs do if shipped cross country? We are in so.w. virginia. Do you know of any breeder closer to us that breeds auracanas? I have two campines who are doing well and love to be shown at the fair.
Sorry you culled the two birds.
There are ways to help an egg bound hen. Do some research and give it a try. Usually once they get past the one bound egg they are fine.
I have one Araucana 2yrs old and lays green eggs as well. She has a muffler or collar of gray feathers. Gracie is much bolder that her coopmates, but a black Jersey Giant, Lou, runs the show, a red Sexlink, Ethel, is very timid and Mr. Chow our Bantam Splash Cochin rooster is there just because he's handsome. After your comments, I'm very nervous about introducing our 10 Sexlink chicks that are 5 1/2 wks old.
Yes, they are probably meaning Easter Egger. My feed store sells them as Aracauna (insert eye roll here)
This is an araucana, just not a North American one. There are North American and European standards and they differ greatly.

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Chicken Breeds
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