
Chicken Mite Spray

an all natural product formulated for scaly mites and other mites that are attracted to chickens and other birds.

General Information

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The maker of this product is a certified aromatherapist. When asked by a client to mix a formula for her birds mites, based on a product she had available for humans and canines, she researched the essential oils, ingredients, etc to make sure that it would be safe for birds. It is all human grade ingredients and is is proper dilution for birds sensitive systems.

It comes in a spray bottle.

I got new birds that came with scaly mite and I did a LOT of research. vaseline,coconut oil, neem and some other suggestions. I actually bought 2 different kinds of mite sprays but wasn't thrilled with the chemical smell and didn't like that many people pointed out with coconut oil or vaseline that the birds had issues perching.

I used the product 4 times and my scaly mite was gone. quite a dramatic difference. I now just spray them about once a week just in case.

I also purchased a coop cleaner from her that has herbs and will not only discourage mites from living in the wood but makes the coop smell great.

Day 1. Oh my. She has scaly mite
can't even see any scales on her legs. Hey but she's happy otherwise.

- see pics attached for pic after 2 3 and 4 treatments (just spraying it on all parts of the feet/ legs while she was on her perch - her friends too. all birds got treatment :) and the pic from yesterday with 3 happy mite free birds.
wow look at those flattened scales. dramatic improvement in a short time.

I would highly suggest this product. I started treatment feb 9 and they were clear on the 18th and it was pretty thick mite action. it smelled great and didn't give me asthma. every chemical gives me asthma
Plus it's hand made and I know for sure the product is not going to be toxic to my birds. Love it. Bought 2 more for gifts for the people that gave me the birds.


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