

Phoenix were created in Europe by combining strains of the Japanese Onagadori with more commonly...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Bears confinement well
Breed Colors/Varieties
Silver,Silver Duckwing,Golden,Golden Duckwing,Black,White,Black-Breasted Red,Golden BlackBlue Gold Duckwing,Variegated, others.
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Single Comb Clean Leg

Phoenix were created in Europe by combining strains of the Japanese Onagadori with more commonly available birds, leghorns, dutch, and various games were most commonly used. There are three recognized colors by the APA: Silver, Golden, and Black-Breasted Red, although several breeders have developed many additional colors.

A Phoenix is a long-tailed bird that will molt every 1-2 years. Their tails typically reach 2-3 feet in length, with longer lengths possible only from a few select breeders. They should have a full curtain of saddle feathers and it is desirable that they touch or reach the ground. They are not to be confused with their distant ancestors, the Onagadori, who are non-molting longtail birds who have tails exceeding 12 feet in length. There are no Onagadori currently in the US, although there are some birds of partial heritage.

The Phoenix should have a pheasant-like appearance, white earlobes, a single comb, and slate colored legs. The tail should be carried horizontally in roosters and slightly higher in hens. Phoenix hens are good layers of small to medium sized eggs, and go broody frequently. They are an active bird with excellent flight skills, and can make a great free range bird if given proper shelter and escape routes from predators. Keeping a Phoenix in a small coop is not recommended for best tail growth, as the tail will be stepped upon by coop-mates and ruined by frequent contact with feces and dirt. Large coops with runs that are cleaned regularly are great options for these birds. Covered, or elevated waterers, and a fully sheltered pen are a must if tail length is important to you, as are deep bedding in the pens. Otherwise, their care is no different than that of any other chicken breed.

Phoenix egg

Phoenix chick

Phoenix hen

Phoenix rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-phoenix.1107214/
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Latest reviews

Pros: Beautiful, smart, quick, wonderful chickens!
Cons: Can be a little skiddish from time to time and are a small breed.
I have 5 silver duckwing phoenix that are about 19 weeks old. I had one start laying already! I have a large enclosure, which allows for them to run around and play. The new layer has always laid in the nesting box and is becoming sweet and affectionate. I have not found any cons yet! I guess I'll just have to wait and see!
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Pros: Beautiful, tame, alert, curious, broody
Cons: Lay few eggs, can be too flighty, loud
I have owned Silver Duckwing Phoenixes for about three years. I started off with five hens and two roosters. They were relatively easy to tame and I even trained a few to fly on my arm. They are loud, a little crazy, and love to forage. I free range my birds and they venture out very far, sometimes too far, and are prone to get eaten by predators. They are very quick and alert, however, so more times than not they can escape possible danger. They are broody birds, and hatch many batches of chicks. The first few times they raise babies they tend to not be very great mothers. After gaining more experience raising chicks, phoenixes are great mothers and are fiercely protective of their young. I have had two phoenix hens team up and raise one batch of chicks at one point with great success. They love their babies, and even will take care of chicks that aren't theirs! The roosters are generally good birds as well. They are very protective of their flock. I once witnessed one of my phoenix roosters die trying to save his flock from coyotes. It was a sad moment, but he died with honor. I also watched one of my phoenix cross roosters attack a hawk, successfully scaring it away. The roosters are brave birds. I wouldn't recommend the phoenix to a first time poultry keeper or someone who doesn't have room for them to roam because they aren't your average bird. The phoenix is probably my favorite chicken breed and I would recommend them to someone who is experienced with poultry and has room for them to forage.
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Pros: beautiful
Cons: skiddish
Ours are only juveniles. But they're SO frightened. They'll just nearly kill themselves running away from us when changing the water in the brooder. And other breeds are right next to them in other brood tubs....it's really just These Guys that are so freaked out.

We are going to be asking how to take care of the feathers, but for now...they're alive! 5 of 5 from Cackle are still flittering around.



I do, they were purchased from a breeder near the annual Utah Fancy Poultry Association I think his name was Dave but I got them from the lady who bought them from him. Maybe go to that show and you'll see some of his birds.
I just recently purchased 7 Phoenix bantams as well as one frizzled bantam for my son, (he has been petitioning for chickens for a couple of years, I was admittedly a little hesitant due to less then pleasant childhood memories of my own). The lady I purchased them is keeping them in the brooder and then nursery until they are ready to be in the coop, that we are finishing up. I am wondering if you could give me a few tips, I planned to use wool insulation in the coop as we live in eastern Montana and it can get quite cold, but since researching, I am beginning to question if insulating at all is the best plan. (I do plan to use a heat lamp in the winter). Next we are also planning to get a few Americuannas (sp?) do you know if these breeds do well together? And finally, we do have a large fenced yard that the chickens will have mostly free run of, but I am a little concerned that they may take to the wide open spaces (we live on 9000 acres) do they seem to come back to the coop well or do I need to reconsider my fencing? Thanks for any help you can give and your time.
Mine get along with all of my other chickens, they are social butterflys. Mine seem to adore the idea that they can go outside the run, they do return often. Utah winters are very cold too, just have thick bedding and a draft free coop and everything should be fine, land is my little hen called Peanut's favorite thing, that and people. If I didn't get all the questions let me know, I'm a bit rushed.
Thank you, very helpful, I think we will stick with just bedding, and thanks again, we are looking forward to our new additions and I am a bit more confident
oh these chickens are so beautiful! at first i thought i had one but it made sense that my baby was a silver duckwing OEG and not a phoenix. however my little silver has a personality that almost mirrors the phoenix! someday i would love to own one or even two hens. i tried searching for somewhere/someone close to me in FL that might have them for sale but have had no luck. i can only get 2 max and not as many people are willing to sell just 2 chickens. one chicken would probably be near impossible for me to get lol i check craigslist everyday and i search this site everyday to see if anyone has one for sale. i would prefer a chick or an egg since i like hand raising my chickens myself.
looking at your pictures and reading your story just makes me want one even more! they are so beautiful! you are very lucky :D
have a great day!
I purchased 5 bantam hens (all white, was given a discount as it is not an accepted color) and 1 bantam rooster (silver), along with 1 frizzled bantam that none of the other chickens besides my phoenixs liked. They seem to be healthy and happy, while still a little flighty, they are good to handle, rooster and the smallest hen especially. But I am wondering, if they are missing something as the rooster crows constantly (doesn't seem to increase or decrease if dogs, cats or other livestock or wildlife are present) and beat his wings and they have yet to start laying (hatch date was the first week of Feb). I have them in a tractor, which I have been moving to keep them on green folliage as well as feeding them Purina Layena crumbles (switched from starter about 3 weeks ago), fresh water is always full, plus they get garden and kitchen scraps. Should I just be patient on the eggs and keep them a little further from the house for the crowing, or should I be looking for causes?
Would you recommend hens for mixed flocks with docile breeds like faverolles? I had a cubalaya hen once - she was a great bird, raised with other "normal" breeds and was a good girl. I would like to try them if they have a similar temperament.
When I had my phoenix they were amazing and sweet chickens - perfect for a mixed flock or at least mine were. Just be careful on what stock you get your birds from and you should have a delightful experience. I believe if you meet the parents of your birds you're better off to know more about your chicks as adults so see if you can't meet a breeder directly for your chicks or chickens.
Feel free to ask more questions or let me know if I didn't answer a part of one you asked.
true to the broodyness LOL
I had someone tell me My pheonixs never go broody
I told everyone of mine are broody LOL
Free ranging and natural oils in the diet keep feathers clean. If they're confined to cages and given pellets or mash the oils aren't easily assimilable and the feather quality suffers terribly. I'm prefer longer tails on my roosters and that's how I keep them mudproof. ;)
Where are you at? I have an abundance of white phoenixes except I don't think they're recognized down south yet. I'm not sure if they're full-size or bantam - I don't own a scale and I can't visually judge weight, not even in people. They are from a reputable breeder, though - the guy that bought them traded me for some of my meat birds. They're about the size of a pidgeon, if that, and they're all young and not laying quite yet.
This one of the few birds that I haven't owned. They're beautiful and I hope to get at least a trio one day.
Wow porcelain. Cool.

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