
O Shamo

Shamo are a hard feathered game breed from Japan, said to have received their name from their...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light Brown
Breed Temperament
Friendly, tame, roosters likely to be very aggressive towards each other
Breed Size
Large Fowl

Shamo are a hard feathered game breed from Japan, said to have received their name from their country of origin Siam (Thailand) where they were imported about the seventeenth century. The breed was primarily used for naked heel cockfighting but there are other strains of Shamo used simply for exhibition purposes or meat fowl.

Many make the assumption that due to having arrived from Thailand previously, Shamo are just descendants of Thai gamefowl, but many Shamo breeders would disagree with this. It has been said that the ancestor to the Shamo were probably large Asil in which they do resemble more closely than a Thai.

The birds are to be very gentle with people, but cocks should never be permitted to be together after they are old enough to "game up"; this age may range from as early as 8 weeks up to 16 months for some of the large strains. Hens can also be very aggressive and may need to be kept separate from other hens, they should never be put with an immature male as they may end up killing him unless he can force her to submit to him. They have a very upright posture with prominent shoulders and a tail that is below horizontal. They have a very athletic build with powerful muscles throughout their body; due to the sparse, hard feathering it may require one to provide extra heating during the winter.

Birds also will need large roosts (preferably rounded) as adults to accomodate long legs and bodies and make sure the roost is not too high off the ground due to their heavy weight possibly damaging their legs (three foot is a good height). It is suggested not to provide young birds with roosts due to being slow growers and their keel being flexible for some time, if you provide a small roost it will cause their keel to become indented but with a large roost it should be fine.

The main two type of Shamo would be the Chu and O-Shamo, the only difference in these birds would be their weight. Chu Shamo weight ranges from 6.6 pounds up to 8.7 pounds. 8.8 pounds and above are classified as O-Shamo in cocks.

These are slow growing fowl, taking up to two years or more to be completely mature. As a result of that, one needs to not feed them too high of a protein content while growing. They can be fed regular chick starter up until about 8 weeks, but after that they need to have a feed with about 16% protein or less to stop them from going down on their legs because they grew too quickly for their bodies to handle it due to a high protein feed.

The hens can be very broody, but they make poor brooders due to being so large and clumsy with eggs. It is much easier to incubate Shamo than rely on hens hatching, especially hens with spurs as they tend to break eggs turning them more so than others.

They make excellent pets and are very easily tamed.

O Shamo chick

O Shamo pair

Latest reviews

Pros: Friendly, beautiful, happy birds
Cons: None I can think of.
I have a beautiful pair, of a wheaten hen and Dom roo. They are very friendly and social.
Pros: Very beautiful, great show birds if worked with, appearance is dinosaur-like
Cons: Very aggressive and often need to be worked with, they need special housing and feed, and they have fragile bodies
There are 3 types of Shamo: O-Shamo (largest), Chu-Shamo (medium), and Ko-Shamo (smallest). I have O-Shamo hens and an O-Shamo rooster. They are a lot of work because of their special housing needs, and because they are aggressive. I had one very aggressive hen that would attack me and other hens as soon as I stepped into the coup - I fixed that within a few months by picking her up every time she attacked, and holding her beak and body while I cleaned/fed the other chickens. I even had to put her in a separate enclosure at one point because she didn't get along with another hen. Roosters are often very aggressive and can be worked with the same way, but may take more time. Shamo roosters cannot be with other roosters because he'll try to kill any males around him - that's what they were bred for.

Shamos also have special housing needs because they are so lanky and have a fragile breast bone - the breast bone can easily be bent with a narrow perch. For this reason, they cannot perch like other poultry breeds. It is recommended that you house them separately so that they don't have the option to perch. By housing separate from other poultry, you are not only preventing bent breast bones from perching, but you are also preventing broken/hurt legs from jumping down from the perch (I've had that happen before), and aggressive behavior toward smaller chicken breeds. Shamos also need plenty of space to run around because they do not tolerate confinement well, and because they need lots of exercise while growing.

O-Shamos have special diets since they don't mature until they are 2 years old. Because of their large size, they must be fed a low-protein diet, so that their weight doesn't out-grow their slow bone development. If they get too heavy too quick, they won't be able to support their bodies since their bones are not made to carry that much weight until fully developed (around age 2). They should look skinny their first year.

With that being said, I love having O-Shamos around. Their personalities are very diverse and they strike me as one of the smartest breeds. They are also one of the most magnificent breeds. The males can stand over 2 feet tall (in the case of O-Shamos) and have a bird-of-prey look to them. If you decide to get one, make sure you find a legitimate and reputable breeder - there are a lot of mixed breeds that are claimed to be O-Shamo but are not.
Pros: Good for Breeding
Cons: Aggressive
Very flighty good for breeding though


If by some chance those are shamo's then they are not pure. Those chicks is how a normal thai chick would look like and not shamo's. Shamo's dont have the blk colorings going on into the feet. Their feet are 98% of the time just plain yellowish. I really do think you have thai chicks or crossed shamo's
i got them from Ideal, so possibility of being thai is probably low, but for not being pure, that is likely.
those are nice.....i got me 15 chicks (3males and 12 pullets) of each oriental breed from ideal poultry also.....they are going on 3 months and are beautiful.....got black shamos, black aseel, malay, saipan, thailand, and madagascar
Well maybe it was a bad line of birds cause mine are layed back & gentel as can be they are young but they will come up & eat right out of your hand & I can actuly pet them, so one line of birds dont meen they are all aggressive, just got to find the right ones.
they are now almost 3 weeks old. I have lost 2 but I don't know why. It wasn't in the first week as one might expect. I have them with a showgirl for company, she is 2 weeks older than them. I am trying the socialize them well with other birds, they will come up to the showgirl and snuggle under it. I also am socializing them to me, like I do with all my chickens. I handle them daily and talk to them.
socializing them can't hurt but it is highly unlikely they will remain social with other birds as adults or even teenagers they are bred for their aggressive temperament. i also had some chicks from ideal that were shipped as shamo but were a thai cross . my icon is the rooster many have said he is a black jap (not the bantam kind) and they will be big.
I agree with Rebel. Shamo are not generally known for this, that is a poor example of any breed, I don't care what it is. My Shamo love being around people, even hens with chicks do not appear to be that aggressive towards people. The only aggressiveness they tend to show is towards other birds, as all gamefowl will do.

Being from "Auctions" I would bet anything that those birds are not pure, it is difficult to find pure Shamo as it is and on a Auction makes it even more difficult. Anyone who knows anything about Shamo know they are tough to find when finding good, true Shamo.

Being as they are probably crosses, they cannot necessarily represent the breed as a whole. Many cross bred birds will display poor personalities, mainly because most were probably not selected for right temperaments by a breeder. Shamo, Leghorn, Silkie, or other. It doesn't matter, that applies to all fowl. Auction birds in general are a waste of time/money, but there are some that may occasionally sell good birds.. You just have to do your research and know enough about the breed to know what to look for in quality stock.
I don't think this is normal for Shamo (or any domestic birds) as none are supposed to be natural man fighters. It has to be a bad line/poor training. I have a Shamo also of doubtful lineage that I got as a free bird from another BYCer and she is still not aggressive but rather super sweet with people. She loves to be held and carried and is the first one up talkin' to ya when you go out to the pen. Gamefowl are only likely to be aggressive towards other birds as that is what they were developed for.
I need to put up more pix. She is about a foot tall since these stand up more than regular chickens and very heavy and strong.
I have not had ANY of these problems with my O Shamos! Juveniles are in a growout pen with many other chicks and I have not seen any signs of aggression from the Shamos toward the other birds. The adult hens are very friendly and the Rooster , while a bit aloof, has been very respectful of me. I had two Roos in the same pen at one point and had no issues with them fighting. They had their "Dominent" and "Not Dominent" place and that was all. I do think they probably grew up together though I am not sure since they were young adults when I got them.
I am quite fond of them and I enjoy having them in my barn.

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