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  1. Lindypie

    Help! I don't know what's wrong with my chicken!

    I just checked on them again, and her swollen eye is runing with clear liquid, and I;m not positive, but the other two looked like they may have minimal liqiud running from their noses, not positive yet as there is not very much. I was going to get tirramycin and try if that helps, what should...
  2. Lindypie

    Help! I don't know what's wrong with my chicken!

    Last night my brother told me that my Buff Orpington's eye looked a little swollen with some bubbles around it, I thought she must just have some allergy to something, today when I check on her, her entire eye was swollen shut and there's a bump by it (see pictures). Her other eye is fine and...
  3. Lindypie

    What Kind of Chickn do I Have?

    Never mind, got home from a wedding tonight and my dog had killed both new ones....Someone left the latch open once I'd left.. :(
  4. Lindypie

    What Kind of Chickn do I Have?

    I just bought two new chickens, the lady said they were about 14 weeks old, but she either didn't know what she was talking about or was lying. The two chickens I already have are 8 weeks old and are slightly bigger than the new ones. Anyway, one of the chicks I got is blackish with red/brown...
  5. Lindypie

    Maintenence and Cleaning for My Coop

    I would like some suggestions for how to clean my coop. I'm a first-time chicken owner and I've been trying to figure out the most efficient way to clean it. I have only 3 chickens, and they get out in the yard a lot to eat grass, and therefore poop around the yard. With this few amount of...
  6. Default


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