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  1. debinhollister


    Thank you. I have a live trap as well.
  2. debinhollister


    Tha Thank you for responding.
  3. debinhollister


    I have a secure spot for most chickens to sleep at night but there are five remaining that roost in trees too high for me to reach. Most free range during the day. I’m only able to set a humane trap to deal with raccoons (we have adopted feral cats) or get them while they roam.
  4. debinhollister


    I have three hens killed by raccoons this past week and have decided to buy a pellet gun. Does anyone have any experience with pellet guns and raccoons?
  5. debinhollister

    Egg broke inside older hen

    Last night I found that egg has broken inside hen. Her cloaca is not very distended so i had to wait until she was straining to enter. I used a curved hemostat. After about 2 hours of removing I couldnt feel anymore inside with tip of instrument I stopped to give us both a rest and observe...
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