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  1. alybobaly50

    Help needed to save the other baby chick, one of them died and I don't know how!!

    No.... :( No heat lamp!! From the place I bought them they told me nothing about heat lamps!! Just told me to put them in a medium temperature which I tried my best to. My sister thinks that place gave me an already injured female chicken. But since it was active and well before this happened...
  2. alybobaly50

    Help needed to save the other baby chick, one of them died and I don't know how!!

    It started last night, I noticed the 1 of the baby chicks wasn't eating, drinking, chirping or moving as much as it usually would. Only slightly. And wasn't opening her eyes, she would open them for a split second then close. This morning it got worse and whenever I came to check on her, the...
  3. alybobaly50

    eye infected

    Please take it to the vet asap!! Same happened to my baby chick, and she stopped eating and drinking and didn't move. 3 hours ago she died and water came out of her mouth and I've been crying ever since. I have no idea what happened to her but I'm making sure it doesn't happen to the other one :(
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