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  1. jomercer

    Best breed for backyard coop?

    My Golden Comet is a sweet, docile and quiet homebody compared to the other breeds I have. She's laid an average of over 6 eggs a week since September 2010. Just the past three weeks she's started moulting and slowed down with the eggs.
  2. jomercer

    Anne Arundel County Maryland Chicken Ordinance

    Anne Arundel County Maryland Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location Yes Max Chickens Allowed maximum of 32 chickens per minimum 40K sq ft lot Roosters Allowed No Permit Required No Coop Restrictions locate 50 feet from side and rear property lines City/Organization...
  3. jomercer

    Wyandotte may have squatted?

    My SLW stopped laying (and squatting) for 40 days in Jan-Feb. But she started squatting again a week before she resumed laying, just as she had started squatting one week before she laid her first ever egg the previous fall.
  4. jomercer

    My new chickens are broken!

    mealworms = crack for chickens--they'll do anything to get them!
  5. jomercer

    What's on the menu today?

    Today it will be wilted celery tops, romaine and cherry tomatoes. And maybe a heel of whole wheat bread if it hasn't gone moldy.
  6. jomercer

    the great mousecapade

    I didn't see it when i went out to release the chickens this morning, but the dogs had killed a vole and left it intact on the sidewalk. No wonder they were all lined up looking out of the coop, transfixed......and here I thought they were looking at me. You should have seen and heard the...
  7. jomercer

    how to get grass to grow in the run?

    Quote: Kudzu was imported to the U.S. as a forage, so it might be yummy to chickens.
  8. jomercer

    Are vine borers okay for chickens to eat?

    Quote: Or you could salvage it by cutting a slit in the stem lengthwise where the borer is, extracting the borer, and burying the stem in the soil to reroot (still attached to the mother plant, though).
  9. jomercer

    Will Chickens eat "Horse apples"?

    Quote: I've only ever heard them called hedge apples being horse droppings. Not poisonous AFAIK.
  10. jomercer

    Substitute for oyster shells and grit????

    I would cook the eggshells I got from an outside source, to keep from bringing nasties into my flock.
  11. jomercer

    June Bug/Japanese Beetle Popcorn!

    Quote: Actually, the two are distinctly different species. About 6 or 8 species of June bugs/May beetles are native or have been introduced to North America. June bugs/May Beetles for the most part are plain brown, whereas Japanese beetle are a strikingly handsome metallic green insect with...
  12. jomercer

    Backyard pasture mix?

    My chickens graze on these items in my "lawn": sheep sorrel seed heads, wood sorrel leaves and seed heads, new sprigs of fescue and crabgrass and their seedheads. They don't touch the white clover leaves or flowers. They love the oats that have sprouted from the litter-mulched beds. Thankfully...
  13. jomercer

    Got Caught!

    Quote: Chickens are treated as pets under the Health Code in NYC. Unlimited number of hens are allowed, but no oroosters or other types of fowl. Chicken area must be kept clean.
  14. jomercer

    Got Caught!

    Quote: Amazonian ground parrots
  15. jomercer

    What is a comet chicken?

    Quote: It's the age, I'm sure. The golden comets are very calm, laid-back birds.
  16. jomercer

    What is a comet chicken?

    Quote: My girl's name is Kolu ("gold" in Hawai`ian.) She is the master-mooch of them all...."Buk bwuk bwaaat do you have for me?"
  17. jomercer

    What is a comet chicken?

    My sex-link is a "Golden Comet" from the local feed store. She started laying jumbo brown eggs with a few speckles at 20 weeks old on Sept 25, 2010. She hasaveraged 6.6 eggs per week ever since. In December she twice laid two eggs in one day. She's very friendly and less apt to roam like the...
  18. jomercer

    What's the longest your hen has gone?

    No eggs for 39 days straight in Dec-Jan this winter, and then another 10 days a week after that for my 8-month-old SLW.
  19. jomercer

    What, exactly, is 'stink eye'?

    A look that freezes you in your tracks and causes you to back away very sloooowly.......
  20. jomercer

    Will chickens eat my watermelon and cantelope plants?

    Mine go over a 4' fence effortlessly, even with a clipped wing. They'll taste everything at least once (pecked-damaged at least, and newly planted things will be uprooted completely), forget and try it again awhile later (damage, etc. ), and then scratch all around and through everything they...
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