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  1. RachelleM1986

    What do I do???

    So a lady customer just brought me a single quail chick, she said it walked into the bar she was at and when they tried to let it go there were no other quail around and it just kept coming back into the bar. I'm all set up with a brooder for it, but I know poultry are flock animals, does this...
  2. RachelleM1986

    Peacock with CRD

    I have a 2 year old peacock who is showing signs of CRD - he has the classic foamy eyes and swollen sinuses with sneezing and mild coughing. He still gets around well, eats and drinks, no lethargy or anything, poos look fine. I've medicated him (as well as my entire flock) with tetracycline...
  3. RachelleM1986

    Hoping for more specific info on Seramas!!

    My husband and I own a feed store, and recently a customer brought in 3 Seramas and just said they didn't want them anymore (SCORE!!!!) This is my first go-round with Seramas, I'm not even sure if they're American or Traditional, what kind of class they are, nothing...the only things I know is...
  4. RachelleM1986

    Thought she had impacted crop til I turned her over...

    So I noticed the night before last night that one of my hens (8 months old) was acting sluggish and keeping to herself. I picked her up and immediately noticed her crop was pretty darned full and hard. I did a quick check-over looking for any bugs, but she didn't have any lice or mites. No...
  5. RachelleM1986

    4/5 turkeys died spontaneously, butts "exploded"

    This question/description may be a bit vague, but I just want an idea of what's going on... My husband and I own a feed store, so we get a lot of people asking us a lot of questions... I had a gal come in this morning saying her friend had 5 turkeys, all right around 3 months old. She said...
  6. RachelleM1986

    Storing butchered turkeys...?

    I have several turkeys I'm slaughtering within the next couple weeks, but I'm not sure what to store them in for freezing. I have a friend who used a couple garbage bags per bird, can I do that safely?
  7. RachelleM1986

    Mixed flock - can I feed "meat bird grower"??

    I have 2 hens sitting on nests, and for the heck of it, I threw a few duck eggs in the mix. My last few attempts at using broody hens have failed miserably, so I wasn't very hopeful of success with this round...but guess what?! I have some pippers!!! :D I already plan on taking the chicks and...
  8. RachelleM1986

    I need some "credited" sources for info on chicken scratch

    My husband and I opened a feed store in our little city and have found that quite a few people don't know chicken scratch is NOT a complete feed. Unfortunately I have several customers who come in and buy 3 BAGS of scratch for only a dozen or so chickens PER WEEK!!!! I've revised our sign...
  9. RachelleM1986

    Butchered a tom today, found some odd stuff...

    I butchered 2 BBB toms today; one was just fine in appearance, but the 2nd had some oddities. First off, the spot above his tail (still on his back) was black, covering an area about the width of a small apple. I noticed the skin was very brittle and kinda mushed apart really easily, and the...
  10. RachelleM1986

    3 chickens dead, vinegar smell, different ages, different breeds...happened quick. What happened?!?

    I had a white leghorn hen, a brown leghorn pullet, and a modern game bantam (roo?)(4 months old, acquired from a different farm) drop dead at different times. My white leghorn was first, about a month ago; followed by the brown, about 2 weeks ago; and the game was just this morning. All 3 were...
  11. RachelleM1986

    Possible Thai gamefowl?

    DH and I opened a feed store not too long ago, and a customer came in a few days ago wanting to "get rid of these big, ugly chickens." For the heck of it, DH and I had looked up the tallest chicken breed a few weeks back, and with one look I knew these chicks were that kind! The customer had no...
  12. RachelleM1986

    Turkey is lethargic, yellow diarrhea, doing a weird head-turning thing...

    This is my first time raising turkeys. I have 6 bronze and 3 whites. All are 2-3 months old now. Just within the last couple of days, I noticed one of my bronze hens isn't walking around with the rest. She just kinda hangs out in the coop (everyone free ranges during the day), and she does a...
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