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  1. Peep1234

    My hen is lethargic and laying down?

    Hello, my 2 year old hen seemed proofed up around her butt yesterday night, and now she is laying on the ground and doesn't want to move. Please help
  2. Peep1234

    My Orpington pullet turned on me ???

    It looks like a hen to me!
  3. Peep1234

    My Orpington pullet turned on me ???

    I have a buff Orpington pullet that's about three and a half months old. I've had it since it was a few days old and it's always been soo sweet. A few days ago it started being aggressive towards people and pecking them full force! What it up with her? Help!
  4. Peep1234

    Prettiest Hen Contest (Ends Jan. 5th)

    Name: pepper Breed: barred rock Age: 1 year
  5. Peep1234

    Would You Rather

    Dinner SQ
  6. Peep1234

    Guess who got their baths yesterday!!

    Cute! My chick is just a few weeks shy of needing a bath also.
  7. Peep1234

    Would You Rather

    Sword DOG OR CAT
  8. Peep1234

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

  9. Peep1234

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    They are so beautiful! They look very happy and healthy
  10. Peep1234

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    No, eating is def not the second purpose! The second purpose is being a dog . I could never kill a bird as sweet as orpingtons. No matter how old.
  11. Peep1234

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Oh, how cute! Buff roping tons are the sweetest chickens:) I'm looking forward to watching peep grow up. You should post some pics of your girls!
  12. Peep1234

    Would You Rather

    Barefoot Cold weather or warm weather
  13. Peep1234

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    She is about 5 or 6 weeks old
  14. Peep1234

    Would You Rather

    Read Snakes or lizards
  15. Peep1234

    Would You Rather

    Beef Stung by a bee or burned on the stove
  16. Peep1234

    Would You Rather

    Play Bananas or oranges
  17. Peep1234

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Taking a nice little sand bath and pecking the camera lense!
  18. Peep1234

    Would You Rather

    Sandals Beach or mountain?
  19. Peep1234

    Easter Egger club!

    Congrats! Easter edgers lay such pretty eggs
  20. Peep1234

    Easter Egger club!

    These ar a few of my bearded ladies
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