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  1. allabouttheeggs

    not roosting in coop and egg laying issues.

    I need help! Due to a family emergency, I've been away for a few months and my husband was left in charge of the animals. During that time they seemed to have picked up some bad habits. Our chickens have always been free rangers, so they haven't eaten a whole lot of food. And we don't really do...
  2. allabouttheeggs

    Winter layers.

    Do you think if I put a few solar yard lights in there that would help? We chose not to run electric to the coop, so I'm trying to think of what could work.
  3. allabouttheeggs

    Winter layers.

    We got our chickens in April and May of this year (around the first week of April and first week of May) and from what I have read, they will be ready to lay in the fall/winter. We have a mixture of Americaunas, Rhode Island Reds, and Plymouth Rock. Is there anything special that would need to...
  4. allabouttheeggs

    chickens dont seem to be eating.

    I have 3 roosters and 10 hens that are only cooped up at night, then allowed to free range all day. They dont seem like they are eating very much feed at all. I am not having to refill their small feeder for at least at week. It seems like with that many of them they would be eating more. We do...
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