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  1. kmehlbauer

    Ducks are bullied by my young cockerels!

    I have lots of hens! 19 hens, but for some reasin they are focused on the ducks!
  2. kmehlbauer

    Ducks are bullied by my young cockerels!

    So I need some advice. I have a male and female Rouen that are just reaching maturity. We got them along with some buff orphington chicks at the same time. (That is the first and last time I ever get straight run). We ended up with 5 young roos. All were fine together until the roos started to...
  3. kmehlbauer

    Nesting requirements for female ducks

    Ok, should the nesting boxes be off the ground? How big thould we build them?
  4. kmehlbauer

    Nesting requirements for female ducks

    Hello! This is my first time raising ducks. My ducks are about two months old now and I need tostart preparing for egg laying. What do ducks require for nest boxes. Is it similar to chickens? Help would be appreciated!
  5. kmehlbauer

    Mystery Chicks

    The dot is more grey/black than purple
  6. kmehlbauer

    Mystery Chicks

    Recieved my hatchery shipment today. Got all my ordered chicks but they threwin some extra that I cant identify. They are all yellow chicks except for a grey-black dot on their heads. Any one know the breed?
  7. kmehlbauer

    Hello from Kentucky!

    Hi all! My husband and I just bought a homw with a few acreas and are ready to get started with chickens for the first time! We live in rural kentucky. We experience all seasons. I guess my first question is what to look for when building a coop and common first-timer mistakes! Thanks! K
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