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  1. havalinaaa

    Hey from a long time reader!

    I've been reading this forum for years but never made an account, feel it's time :-D I'm a small time wannabe farmer with a flock of 17. We have a mixed flock - we have three hens each of Barred Rocks, White Australorps, Ameraucanas (from TS so probably Easter Eggers), and Barnevelders, then...
  2. havalinaaa

    New pullet gasping for air

    It was an upper respiratory infection and despite my best efforts we lost three of the new birds to it. The person I bought them from contacted me and let me know his flock was on antibiotics, ours went on them as well but I think the high heat and stress from moving was too much coupled with...
  3. havalinaaa

    New pullet gasping for air

    Here's a video of exactly what she's doing - I brought 9 new chickens home yesterday. They all seemed fine when I picked them up and when I put them in the "introduction" coop about 5 feet from my main chicken run. This morning I went to turn them loose in the big run while my other chickens...
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