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  1. L

    Treats for chicks?

    I know this is an old thread, but I was searching and thought others might too. We have 9 3-week-old chicks and all but the australorp are extremely skittish despite the fact that I try to make a point to handle each daily. So, I wanted to offer them something they’d really like in the palm of...
  2. L

    Otter, mink or weasel attack!!!

    I am looking at a river otter on my Missouri pond right now and I don't know if they will kill chickens, but I'm pretty sure one killed my beloved goose two years ago out in the middle of my pond. Muskrats destroy pond banks and dams, but are vegetarians. We also have mink and weasels.
  3. L

    White spots on hen pea comb

    My Americauna hen has white spots on her comb that look like small bright white grains of rice. Acting fine, but want to confirm not parasitic or disease that may worsen. Other hen housed with her fine with no spots on comb, but lost a 3rd hen from that coop two months ago inexplicably.
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