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  1. cassifaith

    My broody hen stopped sitting eggs due to hatch soon

    Thanks for replying, I tried to segregate her to her own pen so this wouldn't keep happening, but then she wouldn't sit on the eggs and then started pecking them. I tried to show her a baby chick and she pecked it. The nest she was sitting out already had one egg knocked out and disappeared. So...
  2. cassifaith

    My broody hen stopped sitting eggs due to hatch soon

    My hen went broody February 24th, I took the eggs away each night, I was hatching baby chicks I set in egg incubator Feb 13th so he wasn’t going to let her hatch babies. But the 28th I finally just let her have 4. We started building a separate area so when she got close we could give her a safe...
  3. cassifaith

    Possibly hatching 2 sets of twin eggs

    So the 2 eggs that where possibly twins, were both single babies... the large egg had 2 yolk but only 1 chick, the second yolk blocked the chick from getting to the airsac and the chick did not make it. The other 6 all hatched out and are doing great, the first 3 hatched the 6th, 4th one on the...
  4. cassifaith

    Possibly hatching 2 sets of twin eggs

    I just had 2 more hatch and I have 1 left :) it’s still moving around. It’s funny, I had 3 hatch the 6th, 1 hatch the 7th and 1 hatch the 8th so far.
  5. cassifaith

    Possibly hatching 2 sets of twin eggs

    The blue egg I thought was a double embryo was a single embryo just a little farther ahead than the rest, it hatched yesterday afternoon.... HE/SHE is doing great. The second really large egg was also just a single baby but, it was unable to turn and get into the air sac. A large second yolk was...
  6. cassifaith

    Hands on hatching and help

    Yes, it was a huge egg, it wasn’t moving or chirping so I thought it may need a little help getting out (it was a dark egg and if by chance it was twins) so I started in the airsac and didn’t see any movement. When I determined it wasn’t alive I opened it all the way up, it was fully developed...
  7. cassifaith

    Hands on hatching and help

    Ok, I think I’m most worried because when I candled this egg early on it has 2 yolks, one on each side and it’s possible there are 2, but I don’t think there’s enough room for 2... so I’m not sure when to intervene
  8. cassifaith

    Hands on hatching and help

    I have not, I was afraid to touch them.... should I candle them all to see how they are doing?
  9. cassifaith

    Hands on hatching and help

    Today is day 21, I have 1 egg pipping, it’s outside my last candled airsac... this is also one I’m worried may have been 2 embryos... but can’t be 100% sure... what should I do??
  10. cassifaith

    Hands on hatching and help

    I hope that’s the case.... i have both possibly double embryos in a separate incubator
  11. cassifaith

    Comment by 'cassifaith' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    I added a comment to the other thread. I also posted a video of my candling that made me thing its a double embryo.
  12. cassifaith

    Hands on hatching and help

    Ok... so today is day 20 in my first hatch. I started with 10 eggs, when candling I noticed 3 were not developing so I took them out. 5 were regular sized eggs and all doing well and at lock down were all still alive. 1 really large egg Im suspecting twins, but i cant be sure the egg is dark. 1...
  13. cassifaith

    Comment by 'cassifaith' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    I came across this article because I have 2 double embryos due to hatch tomorrow on day 21. I'm not sure if you have any advice or if you have any ideas to help me.... 1 egg is large and 1 egg is a slightly larger than a regular egg. I do not think the smaller egg has enough room for 2 to hatch out.
  14. cassifaith

    Possibly hatching 2 sets of twin eggs

    I am constantly getting double yolker eggs....
  15. cassifaith

    Incubated chickens.... can a broody hen raise them??

    My plan is to pull the eggs everyday and leave her a few... just so she stays on them.... everyone else seems to be laying next to her and she keeps pulling them into her nest... so I mark them in the morning so I can pull them... as soon as the babies hatch and are dry I’m going to move them...
  16. cassifaith

    Incubated chickens.... can a broody hen raise them??

    These will be hatching next week and she’s only been sitting for a few days and I’ve pulled eggs from her... so I don’t leave the same eggs under her... I want her to stay broody... I have never had hen raised chicks... I’ve only raised my chickens as day olds
  17. cassifaith

    Incubated chickens.... can a broody hen raise them??

    So I’m hatching 7 eggs right now... strangely my Buff Minorca went broody a few days ago... we are on day 16 right now and I’m wondering if I should take her eggs and slide my hatched babies under her at night... or let her hatch her own babies and these just brood separately.... Any advice? Or...
  18. cassifaith

    Possibly hatching 2 sets of twin eggs

    Oh how fun.... I want to hatch some silkie eggs eventually... this is my first hatch... I have a hen go broody (her breed was labeled not broody) I’m debating if I should let her hatch a group or take her eggs and slide my babies under her at night
  19. cassifaith

    Possibly hatching 2 sets of twin eggs

    Yes I actually thought the one has no room I doubt it can fit 2.... unless for some chance they miraculously survive.... I do think the other egg has better odds...
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