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  1. songbirdfarms

    Heating the coop

    I run a rooster rescue Up in mid/northern Michigan and I have boys that need heat this winter. Anyone out here with thoughts? We are 100% off grid. Has anyone used a Propane camper heater? How did you House it so it vents outside? Thank you for weighing in. This is whitey one of my bantams😊
  2. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    Have a weasel AND a coon snoopin my coop and run. It’s Fort Knox except the run entrance. Can’t figure out how to weasel proof as the latch needs more than one inch either way to open, plus the coon could operate the latch. Suggestions appreciated! My farm is two miles from home - I gotta get...
  3. songbirdfarms

    Plz help identify tracks

    We have a creek that runs along our farm; I can’t tell whether these are coon or mink - and they go right up to the coop
  4. songbirdfarms

    One cold Silkie - help!

    OooKay chicken problems...I have a flock of six, five are buff orp Silkie mixes and one (Roo) named Beau is a full Silkie. Until recently one of the mixes (Claire) roosted in between nesting boxes nightly with the Beau and everybody else roosts on the roosts a few feet up. Now that they’ve...
  5. songbirdfarms

    Flock away from home question

    Hi! I have 6-10 young (2-3 month old) pet roosters and hens coming to live on our 5 acre veggie farm. It is 2 miles away from our home (where we can’t have them) and my husband thinks this is a bad idea for the birds. I will be there morning and night all seasons to open close coop, feed...
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