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  1. southernlasssc

    She's a mutt, but a mutt of what?

    I would like to tap into the awesomeness of knowledge in this community. We bought our first 4 chickens as roughly year olds hens, less than a year ago. 2 of them were mutts. The lady said one was a leghorn mix. I am loving having chickens and soaking up chicken knowledge. We are up to 7...
  2. southernlasssc

    Boy or Girl?

    I kept wondering why my Buff Orpington never started to look like it was transitioning into an adult Buff Orpington. After learning that TSC mislabeled my Prairie Bluebell, which I figured out was not one after she laid a white egg, I started to think maybe they did not give me an Orpington...
  3. southernlasssc

    Have 3 that won't roost in coop, what temp is too cold?

    I see lots of great advice here and always start my search here with any new questions. I can't find the all of the answer to my current question. This is my first winter with chickens. I have three that roost in the rafters of their run. They have from day one, last March. They do not go...
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