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  1. RainbowState

    Two swollen chickenfeet with wierd hard, ball-like scabs! What is it?

    Hi all, I noticed one of my hens was not eating with the rest of the flock this morning so I isolated her and then noticed that both her feet are swollen and hot, like an infection. The weird part is that there are two black looking scabs right on the bottom, one scab on each foot, about 1/4 "...
  2. RainbowState

    Injured chicken has green foot, what should I do?

    Hi, I am new to this forum, I just joined today. I have been keeping chickens in Honolulu for about 4 years now and I have grown very fond of my hens. I have 14 Rhode Island Red/Leghorn crosses that are just beginning to lay. I noticed one a couple of days ago lying in a funny position so I...
  3. RainbowState

    Hi from Honolulu

    Hi all, I live in Honolulu, Hawaii and I currently have a flock of 20 layer chickens. 14 are just starting to lay (got the first egg yesterday) and 6 are about four years old which I have had from chicks. They are all Rhode Island Red/ Leghorn crosses. I feed them organic layer feed and...
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