1. S

    I have this chicken whose wings are severely damaged and sometimes can be bloody, i have never seen any mites on her.

    i love this idea i have a little temporary cage that’ll be perfect, thank you for the read!
  2. S

    I have this chicken whose wings are severely damaged and sometimes can be bloody, i have never seen any mites on her.

    how long would you say the molting process can take, it’s been a while compared to my other hens, is there a ay i can stop the bullying
  3. S

    I have this chicken whose wings are severely damaged and sometimes can be bloody, i have never seen any mites on her.

    When she pecks her coordination seems to be very off, she just seems very just funny, kind of dumb(which i know their chickens) but it drove me to the point to look of chickens can have mental disabilities.
  4. S

    I have this chicken whose wings are severely damaged and sometimes can be bloody, i have never seen any mites on her.

    she’s about a year and a half old, we don’t have any roosters due to having them a long time ago and it attacked my cousin lol, then we decided to get rid of them, she does not lay often i don’t believe but sometimes. I see normal hen pecks but nothing out of the ordinary.
  5. S

    I have this chicken whose wings are severely damaged and sometimes can be bloody, i have never seen any mites on her.

    Also there’s something off about her, she seems not right in the head lol... I know chickens aren’t the smartest creatures but this one seems very different.
  6. S

    I have this chicken whose wings are severely damaged and sometimes can be bloody, i have never seen any mites on her.

    Yes, She is mine I’ve had them all together for about a year and a half and she started now having feathers before covid but was never bloody till recently.
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