
  1. chickenlover0805

    exhibition question

    so I have this rooster that I got from a swap meet last year and the lady selling him and his companion hen said he has a frizzle, which he is obviously not. I did some research and I believe he is a sizzle. my grandmother wants me to show him at the county fair next year. he is a nice rooster...
  2. Liv_loves_chickens

    Dark greenish spot on my pullets leg?

    Hey everyone! I am a 4-H member about to take my pen of pullets (amber links) to the fair. While I was washing my chickens I noticed one of them has a dark greenish spot on its leg. Is this a bruise or what is it? All help is appreciated, thanks!
  3. Floof chickens

    HELP! How can I properly show my chicken?

    I am in 4-H and this year I’m showing my dark Brahma chicken. I’ve been practicing handling her for the show and she’s been doing well, but when I show her head, she kind of freaks out. I show the head by bringing her around my shoulder like I’m sure most other 4-Hers do. The problem is I have...
  4. C

    Hey There! :)

    Hello everyone my name is Joe, I could not find the introduction thread so I close this one that said fun. I am raising 11 chickens in the Pacific North West. Currently I have the following chicken breeds: Sapphire Plimouth Rock x2 Roadisland Red x1 New Hampshire Red x1 Dominate Copper x1...
  5. PioneerChicks

    Poor people at the fair getting confused by chicken terminology XD

    Spent all day at my local fair, and here was my favorite moment. I hope it makes you laugh too! :lau A couple walked up to me and asked, "Is that bird a rooster or chicken?" I checked the tag on the cage. "This is a rooster. But a chicken can be both a male and female chicken. We call the girls...
  6. PioneerChicks

    Pigeon 4-H Showmanship... advice?

    I might show a Birmingham Roller for 4-H Poultry at the fair this year. I've always done chickens in the past and am a newbie to pigeons, but I'm ready for a challenge! What sort of pigeon-specific questions do the judges ask, and any other tips? Recommended resources?
  7. BoyMom

    Starting 4-H with rabbits!

    My oldest son who is 5, will be starting 4-H this year and has chosen to show rabbits! We have the opportunity to get a Rabbit (maybe 2) locally from a breeder. The bucks are GTS New Zealand and the does are Chestnut New Zealand. And they have a litter coming around Valentine's Day. What are the...
  8. H

    Proper Poultry Showmanship (USA)

    If you have read my other thread Preparing for Poultry Showmanship (USA) then you are all set to understand the steps to poultry showmanship! Showmanship involves knowledge, handling, confidence, and care! Here are some steps I take to ensure a victory! Walking up the judge: Take your bird...
  9. H

    Preparing for Poultry Showmanship (USA)

    Poultry showmanship can be both nerve racking and exciting. Over my 8 years as a 4-H member specializing in poultry, I have perfected my craft in poultry showmanship and hope to aid others in the ring as well. 1 month before show: Choosing your bird: choose a bird that is light weight and...
  10. H

    Hanging Coop Bottoms for Poultry Show

    Hello, I am a poultry superintendent for a 4-H fair. Currently, most of our barn are large hanging cages, 92 total attached, half on either side facing out, and half on top and half on bottom. Currently the bottom cages are just open to the floor, while the top cages have a piece of metal as a...
  11. sarah4hchickens

    4h Cochins

    Is anyone here knowledgeable about Cochins and can tell me if these 10 week old pullets could have any potential for 4h and possibly state fair? One is mottled and one is black. They both have yellow feet. Also they are being lent to me from a local breeder.
  12. sarah4hchickens

    Black Cochin, 4h show quality?

    This is my 12 week old black cochin cockerel. He is missing some tail feathers but when they grow back do you guys think he would be a decent bird?
  13. sarah4hchickens

    Show quality chicken?

    This is my 12-week old langshan chicken (unsur of sex) that I purchased from Murray mcmurray hatchery. I was wondering if anyone thinks this bird could be show quality?
  14. MiniBirdsMi

    Looking for advice on becoming a poultry judge

    Hey everyone! I'm looking for advice from judges- from county fair to APA, full time to part time - your advice is welcome! I have always been interested in judging poultry showmanship, but unfortunately was never really involved in 4-h during my youth. I have called the local 4-H extension...
  15. TEaCup Acres

    Hi from Plant City, Florida!

    I am the chicken lady/goat momma of a bunch of little boys on TEaCup Acres. We have had chickens for a few years now, started with Japanese Bantam and now have a wide variety of backyard layers for eggs around the rainbow! We still need to get a pinkish egg layer and a dark brown egg layer...
  16. Suburban-nite

    Interest in starting a new flock

    We've been sheltering in place for 5 weeks as a result of Covid-19 spreading in our area. My spouse thinks it would be a good idea to secure our food source by starting a chicken flock. My kiddos joined 4H this year. My kids were introduced to chickens, and were so elated that my spouse gave...
  17. FFAForeverBlue

    Mystery Baby Chicks-- Any Help?

    Hi, everyone! As part of a project I am doing, I was given five mystery chicks. So far, I've discovered that I am now the proud mama of a white crested black polish and a partridge cochin! However, I am still baffled as to what my other three could be. The white one has blue legs, and started...
  18. sunny_bellyboo

    Info about d'uccles?? Also can I get some diagrams of any poultry anatomy??

    Hello everyone, my next show is still pretty far away. Here's what has happened recently: I re-enrolled to 4-H I'm only doing poultry this year I've decided on taking d'uccles I joined the avian team I've forgot most parts of a chicken So if anyone could give me info on d'uccles or chicken...
  19. Jraba1315

    Ameraucana Mixes

    So I am getting a Blue Ameraucana Cockerel (About 4-5 months), 2 Blue Ameraucana Pullets, and 2 Black Ameraucana pullets. I am planning on showing them (or some of my other chickens) through 4-H through my high school, but I was also wondering what breeds I could/should get to breed with my Blue...
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