acting fine

  1. T

    Concerned about healing wound

    My hen got a gash on her head from a unidentified predator a week or so ago , and we’ve kept it clean as our schedule allows. The gash is healed but I’m concerned there’s a bit of a gap. Is this fine? She’s a very happy hen and does all her normal activities, I just want to make sure she won’t...
  2. picklestheduck

    Chicken with one eye shut?

    Hey yall I went to go put my birds to bed tonight and I noticed my 7 month old Rhode Island Red's eye was shut? I gently opened it and looked at it and she seems to have a tiny bit of yellowish goo in there and its a bit more runny. She isn't keeping it shut 24/7 but most of the time she is...
  3. thecarmiearmy

    Chicken acting fine, but sounds hoarse

    Hi all. Recently my Lavender Orpington started sounding a little off. No sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, or visible wounds. Acting completely normal; active, excited for food and water. She has been fluffing her head a little often. Below I'll post a picture and the links of the two videos I...
  4. strawberricatt

    Sick OEGB Rooster!

    Recently I purchase an OEGB rooster from a breeder at a show, however when I was transporting him home I noticed clear liquid streaming from his nostrils and his beak. I figured it was probably the stress of being at the show all weekend and then being put in a cage in the car for a couple of...
  5. Maddyluvschickens

    Does My Chicken Have Egg Binding?

    Hello, I have a Barnevelder who is about a year. I haven't seen her lay an egg for a while now, and a few days ago I felt under her stomach for an egg and I think I felt one. I waited to see if she was just taking longer than normal to lay her egg, but she didn't lay one. And today she was in...
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