clear liquid from beak

  1. J

    Hen is throwing up clear brown liquid.

    I have three Americana hens who are all about 5 to 6 years old. But I noticed just today that one of them has a lot of clear brownish liquid coming from her beak like she's throwing up. I called my vet and she said to call back in 24 hours if she is still doing it, cause there is a chance she is...
  2. ChickenLove1113

    Lost a sweet girl today, completely unexpected

    I have used BYC for almost a year now to find some of the most useful info when it comes to caring for my hens. This is my very first post, and unfortunately, it’s one that comes with some heartache. I have a small little backyard flock - three sweet Red Sex Link hens. They are 9 months old, and...
  3. strawberricatt

    Sick OEGB Rooster!

    Recently I purchase an OEGB rooster from a breeder at a show, however when I was transporting him home I noticed clear liquid streaming from his nostrils and his beak. I figured it was probably the stress of being at the show all weekend and then being put in a cage in the car for a couple of...
  4. IvanK

    Rooster "projectile vomiting"....normal? Kinda?

    Hi! I've done some research and found that this might just be a case of gluttony for one of my Isa Brown Roosters BUT I am scared it could be something worse and just want to hear from some more experienced keepers. So yesterday as I was changing water in the coop, I noticed this rooster going...
  5. O

    Pullet very sick possibly ascites or born with defect

    Hi I'm very new to backyard chickens, a bit of history is I just moved from the city to a 5 acre property and found what I thought was a good deal on craigslist. A person wanting to sell a flock of 50 birds for $200, 3 adult roosters(they get along), 42 chickens and 5 baby chicks. My coop has 3...
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