coop flooring

  1. Hope Hughes

    Chicken Coop bedding

    We bought a sawmill when we got hit by the hurricane last year here in Florida to try to save the trees we had come down on oir land. Having a saw mill there is ALOT of saw dust and I hate wasting things, so i set up a bucket to try to save as much of the pine dust as I can and decided to try...
  2. JenBmomof3

    Chicken run flooring

    Advice needed!! any info is great My coop gets delivered July 12. it has hardware cloth all around and on the top of the run. (My husband will add a roof over the run) I’ve attached a pic We were going to lay hardware cloth underneath the entire coop/run for extra predictor protection. My...
  3. DesertPollos

    Best coop floor for Arizona desert - deep litter doesn’t seem to be working

    Good evening ! I have 10 total hens. At one time, I had 16. I live in Tucson Arizona and I’ve had all sorts of predator problems , with coyotes coming in the yard, bobcat and many many hawks . I’m gearing up for the summer ahead , predicting many diamondback rattlers in the yard and many pack...
  4. Rootie

    Allergic to hay

    Hi friends. I am super allergic to hay, have been my whole life. I have an 8x12 Barn, which is raised off the ground I am building for a chicken coop. They will have a separate run. This question is just for the barn floor. Any suggestions as to what to use on the floor? I really want to use...
  5. Book

    Has anyone used Rubber Mats for coop floor?

    After years away, it is FANTASTIC to be back to chicken life and here on Backyardchickens! We have moved a few times since we last lived in the country and have purchased a home where we can have 8 hens! Our next step, of course, is coop designing! We are required to have the coop itself 2...
  6. FunSally

    New Coop & Need Advice on Flooring / Bedding

    Hello!! Built new 8x6 coop for 2nd flock (13 - 3mo olds). It's been life changing compared to an old 6 chicken pre-fab house! I can now customize as needed/wanted. I'm looking for advice on base floor of coop. It's T1-11 base floor that's been primed for sustainability. I was thinking of adding...
  7. gtaus

    Deep litter coop floor - linoleum or wood?

    I am in my last days of coop build and will have to finally decide on a coop floor for my deep litter method chicken coop. The current floor is 3/4" OSB. I am trying to decide if I should cover the floor with some cheap linoleum, or some sacrificial 7/16" OSB wood floor. If anyone has some...
  8. H

    New To BYC!

    Hi there! Am new to BYC and to chickens. Started in February with two black copper marans born early January 2019. My three teenage kids and I are enjoying learning while building an unusual coop and a run for them (in our messy garage and out of recycled cable spools and wood reclaimed...
  9. D

    What to do with old sand at replacement time?

    I am a new backyard chicken member and owner. I have Serama chickens and have built a small coop 5’ x 4’ and will be expanding it to include an adjacent run/play place. I won’t be free ranging them, as they are a stealth flock, and also the smallest (and most vulnerable) breed of chicken (they...
  10. CanadaEh

    Alternatives for Blackjack #57 for coop floor coating (for deep litter)?

    While Blackjack #57 ("premium rubberized coating for waterproofing roofs & foundations") is being tried and true on this forum, I absolutely unable to get it in my province (we don't even have Lowes here and they won't ship). Would Black Knight "18.9L All Season Rubberized Roof Repair" from HD...
  11. Graceyyy

    Hardware cloth flooring? Is it safe?

    I have enclosed the entire run space of my coop on hardware cloth to protect against predators. We live in a heavily wooded area with a 200 acre game preserve across the street, so we will encounter every possible predator. My only worry is whether or not the hardware cloth will cause issues to...
  12. TheAmundsons

    Waterproof Liner

    We finished our coop and have moved everyone in, but the floor is wood (it's raised off the ground). I'm worried about the cleanliness and smell long term. Is there something we could put down that would be easy to clean that would be waterproof so nothing can penetrate it? Right now we just...
  13. D

    Chicken tractor floor that allows for scratching?

    Chicken newbie here! I am planning to build a semi-stealth chicken tractor in MO for 3 girls. I live in the suburbs but have seen hawks, raccoons, skunks, opossums, and fox in the immediate vicinity. I need my tractor to be easily moveable by two adults and it will be my girls primary home...
  14. slou

    Help! Coop floor - deep litter or brick? And is pressure treated wood safe?

    I'm in the middle of building a new coop (the Heather Bullard design) and have a question about the "ground floor". There is an elevated nesting and laying area, but then a larger screened in area they can go out into where the food and water will be. The entire coop with be enclosed in a...
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