feeding and watering and letting them loose

  1. Debnsync

    Hi, from our N.C., USA, family horse farm, w/ ten new chickens & renovations on ancient chicken house!

    Hi, from N.C.! It’s great to find communities out there to share with and provide support for people who are into chickens as well as perhaps all-things farms. My husband and I are back living full-time on our family horse farm for the 1st time in over 25 years. No horses for now, we are living...
  2. Goblin0601

    Feeding chickens via spreading food on ground to encourage foraging?

    Could I theoretically start spreading their food on the ground outside? Do they need an endless supply of food in the feeders left out, and I could put some food on the ground for them to go look for when I let them roam during the day? I figured this would be enriching for them.
  3. 1DixieChic

    New Egg here!

    Hello Everyone, I'm new to the chicken world. I don't have any chickens yet but I'm considering the Australorps. I love these little black chickens. Also, I live in the deep south in the heat & humidity and read that they will still produce in the heat. So I'm open tips to get me started in...
  4. chickfilletNOT

    Do you feed your guineas

    I feed my guineas chicken feed and give them scratch for treats. But they are real pigs about eating all that expensive food, and I see all kinds of berries and stuff laying around the yard that I wish they would eat (because it's free and why not?) instead. I know I should feed them during the...
  5. 1Rosanna

    New Member: 1Rosanna

    Hi, All! I'm a new duck owner in southern NH. I just got my first 3 adult ducks (4 yrs old) about 4 weeks ago. They are mixed breed ducks, who I've named Martin, Charlotte and Abigail. Martin has just mated with Charlotte and/or Abigail so we have 15 eggs carefully ordered in a circle...
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