
  1. C

    My chicken is really sick

    hey guys, the other day my chicken accidentally ate some fertiliser and she’s getting really sick, she’s not eating and she is really light. I know everyone will say take her to the vet but my dad grew up on a farm so when a chicken is sick he would, you know So I’m just asking if there’s...
  2. C

    Irresponsible neighbor and his roaming chickens

    Not my flock: Our neighbor has a flock of about 30 free range chickens that are roaming the neighborhood. We already have a 4' cattle fence separating his property from ours, but it does not keep the chickens out of my yard. We do have a farm, horses, but we do not have chickens. If I wanted...
  3. DaviJones

    Fertilizer Suggestions

    So I wouldn't say I'm exactly new to gardening but this is the first year I'm going to actually try, for lack of a better word. I'm going to start preparing the soil sometime soon because I'm in zone 11a, and wanted to ask about ideal fertilization. I'm planning on utilizing all my chicken...
  4. M

    Chicken Coop Over Raised Bed

    Hello all, I had an idea hit me yesterday after watching a Justin Rhodes video. Right now I have 10 chickens over a 1/4 city backyard. I use 4x12x12" raised garden beds in my back yard to grow vegetables. I want to place coops over two new raised beds and slowly add hardwood mulch over the next...
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