hatching broody

  1. CannedMonster

    Two Broodys On Same Nest

    I have two broodys on the same nest. There are 4 eggs. The eggs are not theirs. The eggs are due to hatch Monday. One broody is a Japanese bantam. The other is half D’ Uccle/half LF. Neither one has ever brooded a clutch before or raised chicks before. They’re both just under a year old...
  2. Raptorchick

    First time with broodys!

    I've got ten eggs in an incubator, and I was realllllly hoping that one of my buff orpington hens would decide to go broody for me... I didn't pick up eggs for about a week, and my sweetest hen Goldie has now been sitting on them for the past three days. The incubator eggs are due to hatch in...
  3. sheerchaos11

    Broody Hen Hatching Newbe

    This is my first time having a broody Buff Orpington sitting on 4 eggs. Today is the day they should hatch, do I need to put out some chick starter? Do I need to put momma and babies in a separate coop.
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