
  1. L

    New backyard chicken farmer!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? My son started his coop with 9 chicks early spring. I was super busy and got a really late start. I picked up my chicks May 25th. I went to a co-op and picked up 2 Plymouth Barred. A month prior I had found a family moving to...
  2. Water Station & Feeder

    Water Station & Feeder

    Since we got our chickens we have made a few project for our chickens. 1st project the station. I wanted a place to put their feed and water but also wanted it to be off the ground and be covered. (we get a lot of rain here). Off the ground so the mud wouldn't get in the feeder or the water...
  3. JennySue

    About Me!

    Hi there! I'm new to the backyard chicken flock as of May 2017. I own 10 chickens of different breeds; I named all of mine FYI I love this forum and want to continue my education through my membership! 1 Rhode Island Red hen 2 Barred Rock hens 2 Silkies 1 Brown Leghorn hen 1 Wyandotte hen 1...
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