
  1. E

    Hen walking like penguin

    Hello all, I have this hen and she is walking like a penguin and has a big bloated belly. I thought maybe she was egg-bound, since she also stopped laying, but she has been this way since early spring. She is still eating/drinking and pooping, still maintains her spot in the pecking order, just...
  2. E

    Clear, watery feces - 2 year old hen

    Hello all! This morning I went to the coop to let the girls out, and my normally peppy, clingy EE was seeming "off". She was slow to the feeder, and wasn't attached to my hip like normal. She did show interest in breakfast, but after just went and sat quietly under a tree by herself. Noticing...
  3. Emma1231

    Hen walking like a penguin

    my 1 1/2 year old Easter egged is having trouble walking and standing. she can't stand for more then a few seconds and will plop back down. When she does walk a few steps they are very story and penguin like, like she can't take a big step. She is barely eating and doesn't even really want...
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