production red pullet

  1. Little Chicken Lady

    HELP! My Production Red has a wonky toe!

    I was watching my chickens free range yesterday when I noticed that my production red was curling up one of her feet as she walked. I went to see what was wrong and saw that she has an extremely swollen toe. It is really bulbous and the toe and claw are both bent sideways. Does anyone know...
  2. Little Chicken Lady

    When did your Production Reds start laying?

    I have a production red that is 16 weeks old and looks like she is ready to lay, but she hasn't found much interest in nesting boxes and doesn't squat. A friend of mine got a production red from the same hatchery as I did, the same week even, and her pro red started laying this week. I think...
  3. S

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi there, New Chicken mom here. We live in NYC and after reading up on backyard chicken keeping, my husband and I decided to try our hand at raising a few. We purchased 4 Production Reds when they were 10 days old. They are now 7 weeks old. We have a coop that is designed for 4 chickens. The...
  4. kinkachy000

    Are these production red pullets?

    I swear, I make a post saying "last possible rooster" then I turn around and there's a possibility of two more. :barnie I've already given away half my flock for being roosters, so I'm really hoping these two pull through and are actually hens. They are both Production Reds, I believe. They...
  5. Star and eclipsa


    Does anyone know what a mix between a polish and a normal type of chicken looks like? Do you have pictures? I have a white polish cockerel and a production red pullet that I plan on breeding. Im gonna try to get money for an incubator to hatch their eggs, so I want to know what a mix breed...
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