protective hens

  1. CannedMonster

    Gargoyle Terminator Broodys!

    Today we let the two broodys out for the first time with their 4 one week old babies. One broody is a Japanese bantam and the other is half D’Uccle/half LF. They did very well outside for several hours. It was very nice weather. They had spent the chicks first week in a tiny coop (no run)...
  2. R

    Hen’s protecting me from rooster?

    My 8 chickens are now around 8 months old. This is the first time I’ve ever had chickens and so far I’ve loved every second of it. We have 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Golden Sex Links and 1 Ameracauna Rooster. Our rooster has finally began to take up the role of a protector. I’ve seen him chase cats out...
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