
  1. NikkisChickies

    Mama Muscovy

    My Misty girl hatched 3 babies…I knew she would be a good mama💛 Just wanted to share, I’m a proud Muscovy mama lol
  2. R

    Let’s Brag!

    So I got my first chickens last year from TSC, and they’re still going strong today. I have a black Australorp (Petri), a Welsummer olive-egger (Littlefoot), a California White (Cera), and a Sapphire Gem (Ducky). I then added 3 ducks to my flock; Pekin/Runner mix (Chomper), Runner (Spike), and...
  3. 20211028_141646.jpg


    Egg carton
  4. MeowthLover_ThatsRight

    Hello everyone!!

    Hello!! Im new, and here are the answers to the sample questions: 1. I first got chickens almost 2 years ago! I gotta say, Im kind of a newbie 😅 2. I have 20 chickens right now!! 3. I have six americaunas, five black australorps, three brahmas, one buff orpington, one Rhode island red, two...
  5. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Just for fun

    so for now I’m calling my last two cockerels poncho and lefty from a previous post. This is just a “I’m a proud moment chicken parent” So poncho, last night, started to flicker his right leg against his wing. I thought something was wrong and I would look at it this morning. Well doing my...
  6. MageofMist

    Finally a female and my first ever bred quail egg!

    In my first batch, I had all males, and in my second batch I got a male and female and in the 3rd and 4th it looks like I have even more females! I was looking at my community quail pen which houses 9 youngsters, 2 of which are a little bit older, and giving them some millet grass when I noticed...
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