
  1. Backyard Birds Rehab

    Redoing our Rehab's Uniforms for a bit of fun this winter

  2. Emily02037aj

    Domineering Hen

    Hello! I got heritage turkey hen whos being VERY domineering to me. I've done a lot of things but this is the second time she's actively went for my face, I like to think I understand turkey body language and behavior as far as my hens go; but I don't know what she wants:barnie for history she...
  3. ausgaeltx


    I wanted to introduce myself and seek public input. I'm a molecular biologist and completely unfamiliar with reptilian biology. I have a sizeable pond and with stable food supply, many ducks and geese (primarily Chinese and migratory Canadian) have made it their home. We have built a "duck...
  4. libarena

    Guinea keet with twisted foot and can’t walk

    We got guinea keets this morning and everyone else is doing well except for this one little dude. He can’t stand or walk. His bad leg has his foot completely closed. We are able to stretch it out but he refuses to use it. I tried making a little cast to support him in spreading his toes. He...
  5. urban chicken mom

    HELP! Rehabilitate a sick chicken/ Legs and Balance

    Hi, I have a Black-copper-maran pullet almost hen that has been sick for over 4 weeks. It's crazy that I purchased two together because the other one was smaller (Pettie Lune-little moon) but now the little one has matured into a hen and the other sick one remains a pullet (Ma Chari-my darling)...
  6. Enderchicken222

    Feeding an adopted chicken

    Hey there, earlier today while I was walking by Lydgate beach I spotted a young chicken, seemingly a cockerel, lying strangely. I approached and once I got within a yard it got up and stumbled away. It can barely walk, as it tries to step forward it trips and falls. Later, I grabbed it and kept...
  7. Age-of-Goositude

    Ex-Fighter: Caspian's Crew

    I adopted three roosters from a little over a year ago one passed but the other two I've rehabbed and are doing pretty well for themselves. Caspian was in my main flock for a while but he got scalped because he refuses to fight at all to keep his rank, got scalped, went to...
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