swollen joint

  1. AccidentalQuailKeeper

    What are Quail veterinary costs in Ontario,Canada?

    Hello! If you would to skip over the additional information my question is what are they veterinary costs for birds like in Ontario, Canada? I plan on taking her to a vet that has probably only ever dealt with birds like budgies/parakeets as I don't think I have many other options. I'm looking...
  2. AnonPaperclip

    Swollen Toe Joints?

    I've noticed yesterday that one of my hen's toes is oddly swollen. It just seems to be the middle portion of her middle toe. She seems to be walking fine, it bends normally, and she doesn't freak out when I touch or put pressure on it (so I guess it doesn't hurt?) Her mood hasn't changed and...
  3. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mysterious Hard Lump on Joint

    I recently noticed a hard lump on the inner side of one of my 1.5 y/o RIR's ankles (around where her foot meets her leg). It does not feel warm to the touch, and is quite hard. It seems a bit pinkish, but it's hard to tell, because all of my chickens' feet get a little splotchy and pink when...
  4. Aliamelody

    Please help my poor duck!

    I need Help! Please! I have about 1 year male duck named "gerdoo" he had problems with his leg when he was baby.at first i didnt really know how to take care of ducks and he had bad cage.so he had joint of legs at 1 month This is picture: I searched this site and i Took him some niacin.He...
  5. MissKittyKat

    Swollen leg on Rooster

    I have a young rooster, who is maybe 4 months old, who has a swollen leg. It looks like it is the joint part where the leg starts that is swollen. He was getting beat up by the ladies so he is currently separated. His foot is not swollen and I don’t see any scabs or cuts on his leg that would...
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