three months old

  1. E

    Easter Eggers/Ameracauna Flock Gender Guess

    I got these chicks from TSC almost three months ago from the pullet bins. 4 are easter eggers, 1 ameraucana, and 1 black australorp. I think they were a week old when I got them due them having feathers on the tips of their wings. Twin#1 Twin #2 Goose#1 Goose#2 Kazooie Earhart Sparta #1...
  2. dragonight1993

    New Silkie mom

    Hello, I had just got my gray necked neck silkie a few days ago and I just love her. She's 3 months old I named her Henrietta and I'm keeping her as a house chicken. I got her at Nessas Little Fluffy Butt Ranch-...
  3. strawberricatt

    Genders Of These 3 Month Old Crossbreeds?

    So I hatched these guys a little while back(August 25) , but I'm not sure on gender. One started crowing, he's gone to live with my gran now, but the rest I'm not sure about. There will be more pics to come of the other chickens that live with my Gran. These chickens belong to my six year old...
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