white ameraucana

  1. LunaMarieWolf

    Can someone check over my genetics please?

    Okay, this is going to be a long one. I produced a gradient chicken pattern several years ago and have since lost all of the chickens associated with the line. I am wanting to replicate it. The start was an EE. Rosaline. This was in crisp 2015. I do not know what breeds this EE was made out...
  2. Futrmakr

    Has anyone crossed White Ameraucana Roo (recessive wht) over Black?

    I have white Ameraucana roo. He is a recessive white from blacks. I've put him black Amer's. Wondering if you can get splash colors from this or if they will breed back to black.
  3. r_o_o_s_t_e_r

    My beautiful mutt, Pepper

    A while ago, i decided to try and hatch some chickens from our flock. I let 7 eggs incubate. all of these eggs were mixed with white crested black polish, as that was our only roo. of 7 eggs, 5 hatched. i was so happy about this. we hatched: 2 white ameraucana eggs 1 buff ee egg 1 white silkie...
  4. sleepygreens

    Ameraucana or EE? Hen or rooster?

    He/she is 4 months old. I bought her as a 2 day old chick from a farm supply store, along with 7 Easter Egger chicks of the same age. She was the only yellow one in the store. The salesman called her a “Buff Orpington”, but I know that’s NOT what she is. But.... what IS she? Her beak is...
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