wood floor

  1. Browniethechicken

    Something plastic to put under pine shavings to protect coop wood floor?

    Looking for suggestions regarding what I can use as a thin base or to line the wood floor in my coop so that if any moisture from poop or pee comes down through the pine shavings (I do deep bedding method) I have in there it’s not going directly on the wood floor but on some sort of plastic...
  2. PioneerChicks

    Pigeon Loft Flooring Question

    Hi! I'm a newbie pigeon owner. I will be making a new pigeon loft soon and am wondering what kind of flooring I should use. My current loft (I got it from friends, didn't make it myself) has hardwire cloth on the bottom and some cardboard I can slide around. The loft will be made of a wooden...
  3. M

    Wooden playhouse to coop conversion floor issues

    This is our first coop. In theory, the old playhouse would make a great coop. We covered all openings with hardware cloth. It has a solid roof. My problem is the flooring. It is wood plank just like the front deck. We live in Florida so once a day all summer we will have a brief monsoon. The...
  4. lamorris

    Found small patch of wood rot on coop floor - how to fix?

    Hi all. My coop is raised off the ground by cement blocks, and the floor is unfinished plywood covered by deep shavings. Today I discovered my waterer was leaking, and sure enough when I scraped away the shavings underneath, there was a patch of wood rot. I scraped away the softest wood, and...
  5. mythreechicks

    natural protection for wood floor of coop??

    I am new to the chicken life and I prefer to be as natural and non toxic as possible. My goal is to have a wood floor protected and also be able to use the deep litter method. Not sure if that is even possible. I am not sure what surfaces you can use that method on. So my two questions: 1. I...
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