1-3 Cayuga Hen(s) 3+ months old *wanted* SW GA


9 Years
Nov 18, 2010
Southern Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
*SouthWest Georgia*
I am looking for 1-3 Cayuga hens, at least 3 months old. I prefer to have ones that lay black/gray eggs. Crests ok.
I have a Blue cayuga drake that i hatched in January from Boggy Bottom eggs. He has feathered legs, and I want to breed him to Cayugas to keep the breed true. I had a black hen, but she was killed by a fox.

Here is a picture of his legs
(day old)

taken last month

Weird never seen a duck have feathered legs.
I have a few hens I'm going to sell. I have a few that are getting some white feathers so I weed them of the flock to keep my stock SQ
Right at the moment I'm waiting for my younger birds to start laying first. I have a lot of orders to keep up with.
$15 ea
How soon do you think that would be?
My mother is taking her vacation the last week of may, and my sister has been bugging her to go to the beach. Don't really have anything planned yet. I am in Thomasville, so I'm about 3 hours away from PC.

BTW, the emu egg I got from you at the Lake city show died around day 50 :/ . I opened it up a few days after it was supposed to hatch and found a fully formed chick. I was so sad (and mad) that it made it all the way and died before it hatched. :( oh well, there's always next year. Mama said I wouldn't have been able to keep it, but I had someone that would have taken it.
Sorry i never got back to you, but i have decided to sell the few ducks I have. I am not able to freerange them, and i dont have a pond. They are currently in a large dog pen with a kiddie pool, but they are making a mess of the pen, and I am not able to build them a better one.

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