1 Guinea & 3 chicks


5 Years
Aug 20, 2014
My guinea and chicks are now about 6-7 weeks old. They have been raised together and still stay in the same brooder at night and never leave each others side while free ranging during the day. I dont believe I have any roos and the breeder told me she knew the guinea was a male ( which apparently is almost impossible to tell at 3wks). My question is , can 1 guinea be influenced by the chicks? Meaning habits and noise level. I also believe a pecking order has already been determined. The guinea seems to be in charge. They always follow her/ him.
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Guineas Rule! It seems like whatever kind of poultry the guineas are with, they are usually the boss. My turkeys are even afraid of the guineas!

I don't know of any way to sex baby guineas but I've noticed that ones that turn out to be males are usually braver about taking food from my hands when I offer moths as a treat. At 6 weeks old a female will begin making a sound like 'goback, goback'. A male can't make the sound. These behaviors are the only difference that I have noticed.

Your guinea should be fine living with chickens. I never seen or heard of a male guinea trying to mate with a chicken. I used to have 10 bachelor guineas and they didn't bother the chickens. But I know a rooster will mate with a female guinea.
Well that makes me feel better! The Guinea is def the leader of the pack, pretty bossy and steals food all of the time.
He/she doesn't seem to make as much noise as my chickens. My polish tends to make the most. Here is a pic. I'm not sure if there are any physical differences bw a hen or roo
He/she is going to be a pretty bird. If it did happen to be female you should hear the sound before long. Otherwise you just have to wait and see. But the person you got the guinea from may know more than I do about sexing them as babies.

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