1 hen 2 eggs?


6 Years
Oct 1, 2013
I have a meat bird pullet (hen, not sure). Yesterday, she laid two shell-less eggs. Today, she laid two eggs with shells. Why? I've never had any other hen lay two eggs in a day, let alone two eggs two days in a row. They're her eggs; I know because she's the only chicken loose in the backyard. One was in the 'nest' I made for her in her coop; the other was outside near said coop.
That is strange, it takes their system nearly 24 hours to make an egg. Maybe she has two egg ducts ( i don't know the real term) and her body can handle it, for now. It's odd that the first 2 were shelless, if they were both produced in one duct. I would really be interested if this continues. If it does, an exam of the organs could answer the question when the time comes. Maybe someone here can explain this for you, I am going to follow this.

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