1 hen is pecking everyone else - help!


11 Years
Nov 18, 2013
Hi peepers! We have one hen that is 2 years old and she pecks all the other hens including rooster. She has all her feathers. Heres the weird thing, it happens when they are all chilling under a tree. The are free range except night. There are 7 total including her, same ages. When they get done with morning activities and are just hanging out, she pecks their feathers. It doesn't seem cannibalism, just , hey there some feathers so peck. Any advice?
Is she eating the feathers? Are the other hens missing feathers? What breed is she? Is there a specific place on the other chickens she tends to peck at?
Is she eating the feathers? Are the other hens missing feathers? What breed is she? Is there a specific place on the other chickens she tends to peck at?
She's a golden sexlink and she is the king. The roosters will try to mate her and she walks around with them on her back until they give up. She's only one not missing any feathers. We don't know if she's eating them...they are free range. She focuses on neck and then butt on rooster....again when they are all chilling under a tree. Other hens and rooster missing feathers. Thanks.
Sometimes with a bully if you separate that chicken for a few days to a week, then reintroduce her, it resets the pecking order and she’s no longer top dog, or hen as the case may be.
I like this idea but she has always been top hen...others are so passive I'm not sure it will work for her. Could it still work?
She's a golden sexlink and she is the king. The roosters will try to mate her and she walks around with them on her back until they give up. She's only one not missing any feathers. We don't know if she's eating them...they are free range. She focuses on neck and then butt on rooster....again when they are all chilling under a tree. Other hens and rooster missing feathers. Thanks.
Wjat do you feed? Do you have pictures of the chickens missing feathers?

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