1 week old wht breed are they?


11 Years
Mar 15, 2008
100 miles SOUTH of Atlanta
McM says they ate brown egg layers is all i know.. they shure are lively!

Hi, the first pic looks like an easter egger. They get green legs, and can lay blue green eggs. From the pics, it looks like you may have more than one of that kind. (I think they look like chipmunks)

Here is a pic of one of my ee girls, she is about 2 weeks old here:
The first one isn't an Easter Egger. EE's don't 'get' green legs, they have green legs from the time that they are hatched. They also have "puffs" of feathers on their cheeks. Besides, MM wouldn't put green egg layers in a brown egg layers assortment. Here is a picture of a couple of EE chicks I had last year-

Note the colors of their legs and the fluffy faces.
Your buff colored chicks look like Buff Orpingtons. I am not for sure about any of the other ones, but your black ones could be Black Australorps? And the red ones could be Rhode Island Reds, or New Hampshire Reds. The yellow chicks may be White Rocks... And the first chicks looks like a partridge something... partridge rock or wyandotte? Cute chicks BTW

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