So in brief: we're down to our last hen, Matilda, who is about 5 years old but still in good health and laying quite often at present. We decided not to replace her last flockmate and stop keeping hens for now. She is a very dominant, sociable bird and seemed ok with just us for company, bossing around the cats and any visiting dogs.
To our surprise, this week a little brown chicken appeared in the run - we live in a rural village so it's possible it had wandered from someone else's flock, though none are very close. I shut it out, thinking it would find it's way home, but a few days later I realised it was still hanging around and began feeding it. After a day free-ranging together, with Matilda delivering a few aggressive pecks to establish her dominance, they are firm friends; they go to bed together each night and follow one another around the village, dust-bathing and preening. Matilda seems happy. It seemed like nature had delivered us perfect solution with this magical hen!
And then today I got a better look, and it's a young cockeral. Doh! I've never had a roo, and I'm not sure what to do! Please help!
Is it dangerous to keep him around? Will he overmate poor, pre-menopausal Matilda and hurt her?
Should I stop letting him come into the henhouse and run? & if so, do I need to rehome him? My friend lives in a village that has a local cockeral, who's lived wild in everyone's garden for years. I'd be happy to leave him food somewhere and just have him around (as would the rest of the village I think!) - he & Matilda could hang in the day but i could keep her locked in her run when she needed some space?
I'm not concerned about chicks or egg yield or anything like that - I just want topreserve Matilda's quality of life in her 'retirement' years, and ideally to keep this young rooster safe and happy too. Any help greatly appreciated!
So in brief: we're down to our last hen, Matilda, who is about 5 years old but still in good health and laying quite often at present. We decided not to replace her last flockmate and stop keeping hens for now. She is a very dominant, sociable bird and seemed ok with just us for company, bossing around the cats and any visiting dogs.
To our surprise, this week a little brown chicken appeared in the run - we live in a rural village so it's possible it had wandered from someone else's flock, though none are very close. I shut it out, thinking it would find it's way home, but a few days later I realised it was still hanging around and began feeding it. After a day free-ranging together, with Matilda delivering a few aggressive pecks to establish her dominance, they are firm friends; they go to bed together each night and follow one another around the village, dust-bathing and preening. Matilda seems happy. It seemed like nature had delivered us perfect solution with this magical hen!
And then today I got a better look, and it's a young cockeral. Doh! I've never had a roo, and I'm not sure what to do! Please help!
Is it dangerous to keep him around? Will he overmate poor, pre-menopausal Matilda and hurt her?
Should I stop letting him come into the henhouse and run? & if so, do I need to rehome him? My friend lives in a village that has a local cockeral, who's lived wild in everyone's garden for years. I'd be happy to leave him food somewhere and just have him around (as would the rest of the village I think!) - he & Matilda could hang in the day but i could keep her locked in her run when she needed some space?
I'm not concerned about chicks or egg yield or anything like that - I just want topreserve Matilda's quality of life in her 'retirement' years, and ideally to keep this young rooster safe and happy too. Any help greatly appreciated!