10 + 2 FRENCH BLACK COPPER MARANS eggs Auction (Jeane/Grisham) South Central Ky NPIP

Last bid placed after mine was 8:02 now if the one before made it I am not sure.It was real close so whatever you decide is ok with me :)
I dont like the no time stamp thing on the auctions now.
I am not sure when the last bid at 6pm west coast time hit... I selected the reply a few seconds before 6, saw La Mikes pop in then after i refreshed mine was posted. So it looks like his was the one that registered at 6pm for me or 9pm for you egg-cellent...


OK, LaMike won,, but where do you guys see that. I actually can't believe it was that close. If I had extras, I would sell them to both of you. Nmantime, if you want to give me a couple days, I will.

But please tell me where you see the time things.

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