10 day old chicks


5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
My neighbors hen came to my house to lay her eggs twice. The first time she hatched 14 kept them here for 3 days then took them back to my neighbors. This time she hatched 6 they're about 10 days old. She left them today. I couldn't find her and I am missing 1 chick. Went to the neighbors she is there but no chicks. She left 5 here not sure what happened to the other one. I have no clue why she would leave and they wouldn't follow? The nights are also getting chilly here they're small and seem very scared. Someone please give me advice
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Hello there and welcome to BYC!

They will not survive long if you don't get them back to her or you or the neighbor get them under a heat lamp. They can die fast from chilling and predators. If you choose to brood them yourself, you will need a heat lamp and brooder.

So you might go get them and bring them inside until you decide if you are going to take them back to momma, the neighbor brood them yourself. Here is a nice article on raising chicks for the first 60 days you might read through for more info on the chicks....https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/...ks-the-first-60-days-of-raising-baby-chickens

Good luck with these babies. Momma is not going to come back so please at least go catch them if you can and get them inside.
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Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2 what TwoCrows said. If you can catch them and take them over or chase them back to where she is right now they should get back together with her. Good luck with the chicks.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

You need to get the chicks under heat and out of predators reach.

If you have another broody hen then slip the babies under her at night. Otherwise you'll have to raise them in a brooder yourself. Bring them in to a small box with bedding, food, water and heat.

Good luck!
I'm wondering why your neighbor cares so little for the chicks. He should be coming for the rest of them. If not, I believe you can keep them and raise them as your own. Maybe a predator took the missing one and it scared the mother off the nest.

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