10 new silkie chickens


12 Years
Sep 28, 2007
I have a question about what needs to go on the floor of the cage. First I put the shavings and they were walking all around in their poop. When I was at the feed store they had most of their chickens in a cage like mine and had a pan under the cage with the shaving in the pan. Should I be putting them in the cage so they will have a soft place to lay? Or should I keep the shavings under the cage? What about their poop? I am a new silke mommy and do not have experince. Can someone help answer my question? Thanks!
Your set up is fine. Chickens will walk around in their poop their whole life. Wire bottom cages are generally seen as not good for chicken feet. The shavings will help dry out the poo and allow it to mix in so it doesnt stick to their feet.
Thank you for the info. I am sure I will have a lot more questions as time goes by.

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