10 week old Coronation Sussex male, pick up only. Missouri


Nothing In Moderation
12 Years
May 14, 2009
(SW MO) Nevada, Missouri
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 10 week old Coronation Sussex male for sale. Pick up only. I live in Nevada, MO.

Hi there, I have hatched many sussex and the one in this pic looks like a hen. I just wanted to make sure you didn't sell a hen thinking it was a roo. I could be totally wrong, but I just wanted to tell you just in case
I know it seems unusual. I raise silvers, coronation and lights and they seem to develop larger more red wattles at a younger age than many of the other breeds. "She" just looks female to me. I can usually sex the chicks almost immediately after hatch just by the shape of their head and the way their face looks. The females have
much "prettier" petite faces. Then by 3-4 weeks I am 100% sure because of the size of their combs and wattles. "She" looks to have a relatively small comb and wattles for the breed. Did you hatch others that you could compare features with?
No. This is the only one I hatched. It was an accidental hatch .... wasn't suppose to be in the incubator!

Well, thank you very much for your insight. I sure appreciate that you took the time to tell me this!
Maybe I will just keep this chick and see!

Thanks again!
Ok that sounds like a great plan. I would want someone to tell me too. I would hate to give away a beautiful hen thinking it was a rooster. If by small chance, "she" turns out to be a "he", I am very sorry. Usually I don't say much online, but I really wanted to let you know my experience. All the best to you

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