10 weeks old - Do I have any roosters?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 22, 2009
Hi! My babies are 10 weeks old now and there are a couple that I suspect may be roosters. They are all from Meyer Hatchery. This is my first time keeping chickens so I'd love it if you guys and gals could look over my pictures and let me know what you think! We can't keep roosters in our area so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm quite thankful that my 3 favorites (my White Cochin which is a "pet" and the two Easter Eggers) seem to be pullets for sure. Thank goodness!

I have 2 Gold Laced Wyandottes. One is quite a bit larger than the other and has a lot more gold on the head and neck. I very much suspect the larger one to be a rooster because of the size difference and it's bold personality.
Smaller One:

Larger One:



This Barred Rock is very large compared to all the breeds I have (even bigger than the large GLW I mentioned above). He/She also seems to have an odd loner type of personality. This is another one that I very much suspect to be a rooster.


I'm pretty sure both my Autrolorps are pullets but since I was able to get decent pictures of them, I figured I might as well ask!


Also, I'm pretty sure both my Rhode Island Reds are girls, but here are some pictures just in case.


Oh wow, I hope you guys are right! Your responses just made my day. I was nearly positive about the larger GLW being a rooster since it's so much larger than it's "sister." It's also confusing to me since all the different breeds seem to mature at different rates, and I have 6 different types.
I can only comment on the GL they both look like pullets to me. Here is my GL Cockeral, this pic was taken at approx. 15 wks. My avatar was taken of him today. I had a feeling around 10-12 weeks that he was a cockeral. So you can see the big difference between yours and mine. I have also included a pic of a hen, hatched the same day as my cockeral.
Hope this helps some

Rusty The Rooster (technically a cockeral but needed the other r)


GL Hen Approx 15 weeks

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